Sunday, January 24, 2016

"I'll take a little break from breaking things"


Once more, here are some random things that have interested me lately.


"I have been thinking a lot lately about the definition of love and how most of my notions of it are wrong, which is terrifying and really cool and embarrassing. But I imagine that it’s like that feeling when you see a server approaching your table with your food. Or like being stuck with someone in a waiting room that’s playing like CSPAN and only has fishing magazines from 2009, but you don’t even care because just being near them is so entertaining and thrilling. Like just sitting in a room and riffing with one another until you’re cry laughing and then being overcome with an urge to put your mouth on theirs. PRETTY PSYCHED FOR THE FUTURE. " - Gabby Noone, on her Tumblr

"Be your own stage mom" - Gabby Noone

All the cheesy quotes on spiritual lightness from Into the Wild

"I'll cry at the end of the day, not with fresh makeup" - Kim K

LOL (original french version) - directed by Lis Azuelos
Young and Beautiful - directed by Francois Orzon


   17:35 // Stoop Kids 


Casey Neistat's videos on YouTube - they have a very Go Out and Make The World Yours vibe that I love and can't get over

The Telling Secrets photo set from rookie was one of my favorite things I've seen on their site in a long time!

Gonna go shovel out our 3ft of snow, have a great day!


Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year!

This past week has been a blur of excitement and happiness - from going on adventures around my hometown with new friends to wandering NYC with old ones - and I'm incredibly excited for the year to come.

I'm now home though, and thinking of the tons of homework I have yet to start. I feel strangely calm about everything because I know it will all work itself out. The future is cool and we should treat it like that more often.

This year I just want to keep being me.

love you,


This Will Be Our Year // The Zombies 

January Wedding // The Avett Brothers

New Year's Resolution // Camera Obscura 

All My Stars Aligned // St.Vincent