Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Songs of the Week//12-14-2014//Surfer Guy

This weeks songs makes me think of all the people I see in the hallway and invent stories about. Like Surfer Guy. His hair is pretty great.

Miss Rebellion des Hormones//Stereo Total
Teenage angst? Cheesy French background music? count me in

There Is a Light That Never Goes Out//The Smiths
So cheesy I know, part of me is embarrassed, the other part of me can only keep replaying that scene from 500 Days of Summer in my mind? 
"To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die"

The Medic//Foxing
Because I saw them live this week and they sounded so great live. Especially the trumpet parts. 

Walking Around at Night//The Vivian Girls
The Vivian Girls are forever my favorite and sometimes I dream about them getting back together and playing a show in Philly. 

Sorry this weeks songs are up later than normal but I'm an unorganized mess right now with lots of work I need to catch up on!

Hope you're having a good day,


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